15/16. 5 Sections and Story Board

Settings: A beach, a seaside cliff and over the sea

Representations:  A man and a woman

    Man- *He daydreams of a girl from a novel he is reading 

          *He is also dressed is more gothic clothes to help relate to the target audience more as d d well

    Woman- *She is a character from the novel the man and she is fantastical and h h hh h h h h h 'heavenly

               *She is going to be wearing a white and flown dress to show her purity and h hh h h h joy

5 sections:

1. Intro- drone shot over the beach

2. Man singing on top of a cliff above the beach

4. The man and woman together on the cliffs

5. The man blacking out and then waking up on the cliff by himself

Storyboard: https://app.boords.com/s/d66kpm/frame


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